Table mountain is an unusual landmark in Cape Town, the capital city of South Africa. Unlike the other mountains whose shape is usually cone with rather taper-topped, the table mountain has a flat top with about 3 kilometers square wide. Because of the shape, it is difficult to get on top of Table mountain without experience an extreme hiking or get into a cable car. Only professional hikers are recommended to climb the mountain seeing that every side of the mountain is solid and steep.
Flora and Fauna inside Table Mountain

Some threatened flora and fauna make Table mountain as their only habitation while some others were extinct in the 19th century. These rare floras including fynbos (a certain type of fine bush), sugar bushes, and Peninsula Stale Renosterveld which is immensely threatened. The government has been performing a great effort to prevent the endangered vegetation available only in this place to be extinct. The most common animals found in the Table mountain are rock hyrax, snakes, mongoos, deer and porcupines while lions and leopards once living in this place were extinct.
The Cableway of Table Mountain

Previously, only a few people were able to reach the top of Table mountain and most of them were experts in mountain-hiking. Nowadays, by the establishment of cableway in 1929, more than 16 million people attain to feel the fresh air and distinct landscape of Cape Town from the very top of the mountain. It is one of the only three cable cars in the world bringing the passengers to spin 360 degrees in order to view the fascinating scenery below. With the top speed about 10 meters per second, the cableway can bring the passengers up to the mountain and down to the town in about 5 until 10 minutes. Visitors wishing to get into the cableway should pay R38 for children and R74 for adults for one trip and cheaper fees for double trips.