When is Hari Raya 2012?
Hari Raya 2012 is predicted to fall on Sunday, 19 August 2012. It falls on 1st Syawal in Islamic calendar, however the exact date is to be confirmed by the Islamic authority based on moon sighting.

Hari Raya 2012 Celebration “Hari Raya” are Malay words which literally means “Celebration Day” in English. And it is certainly one of the biggest holiday in Singapore and in Malaysia. During the Bulan Puasa (Fasting Month – Ramadan), shopping malls and special markets across Malaysia are crowded with people buying new clothes, home decorations accessories, and special Hari Raya foods.
Even in Singapore, where Muslims doesn’t make a majority of population, the crowd can be seen in Muslim-congregated areas such as in Geylang Serai. On the Hari Raya, Muslims will wear new clothes and start the day by praying at the mosques. Prior to praying, Muslims are required to do charity for the needy and poor. The young will pay respect and ask for forgiveness from the elderly. It is also customary for people to visit the gravesite of the ancestors on Hari Raya. After that, people practice “open house” where people visit each other to ask for forgiveness and strengthen the bonding.