During business travel it is not uncommon to encounter cultures that may be quite different from your own. While this can be an opportunity to learn more about how others around the world live and world, it is also an opportunity to put your foot in your mouth. Many cultures around the world have decidedly different ways of handling things and gestures that are commonplace for you could be seen as highly offensive to others. To avoid the chance that you’ll offend someone, even though you may not be aware of it; take a look at the following tips to help you better understand how to handle business travel in foreign countries.
One part of the world where you will frequently encounter cultures that are different from your own is Asia. You’ll need to be very careful while in Asia on business travel in order to insure that you do not jeopardize your business holdings by offending someone. This has become increasingly more important as trade between Asian countries and other parts of the world continue to expand. You’ll need to keep in mind that as a general rule, personal displays of affection are frowned upon. Asians have come accustomed to the habit of shaking hands; but that is about as far as they are willing to extend their understanding. So, it’s a good idea not to push the envelope too far with hugs or any other form of physical contact.
In addition, remember that you should not delve too far into personal matters. This includes refraining from asking personal questions. This is considered to be very bad manners and will likely undo all the careful work you’ve undertaken.
One of the most important sides of Asian culture is the idea of face; similar to our idea of a reputation. While it may be considered amusing in many parts of the Western world to poke fun in jest; this is never acceptable in the East. Never do or say anything that would cause the individuals you are working with to lose face.
Emotions are also considered very important in certain parts of Asia and it is commonly considered to be bad manners to lose your patience or temper. This can be one of the quickest ways to have your business associates look down on you. If you’re handling very delicate negotiations you could easily blow the deal with one wrong word. Always safeguard your words and your emotions and work at controlling your temper.
While it’s not necessarily a common practice in parts of the West; Eastern parts of the world commonly utilize contacts in order to efficiently handle matters. The act of using middlemen can be difficult for many Westerners to understand and accept but it is a necessary part of succeeding in your business travel relations in Asia.
Finally, remember to always maintain your composure and exude a professional appearance at all times. You can always let your hair down and relax when you return home.