It is the dream of many people to travel Europe . Whether you’re considering spending a summer backpacking through Europe as a student or you are planning to travel Europe with that special someone, there are a few things that you should know to make your travel Europe plans more interesting and comfortable.
The first thing you should be aware of when planning to travel Europe is that such an undertaking requires an immense amount of planning. Approximately six months before you plan to take your trip, you should choose a destination or some destinations. Europe is extremely large and unless you have an extended amount of time in which to travel Europe , it’s best to begin narrowing down your choices now.
After making your decisions regarding destinations, you will need to consider whether you need to begin taking language classes. If you already speak the official language of your chosen destination, that’s great. If not, it’s a good idea to at least take a beginner’s course so that you can get around more easily once in Europe .
The next step on your list of getting ready to travel Europe is to begin making travel arrangements. Most European travel arrangements will include airfare and if you start looking about three months before your anticipated departure date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to save at least a little money. This is also a good time to go ahead and apply for a passport. Remember that some European countries are very strict about their visa and passport guidelines. Generally, it takes at least six weeks to obtain and process a passport, but it’s a good idea to get started as soon as possible. Remember that you will need proof of your citizenship, photo identification and two recent photos in order to obtain your passport.
The area in Europe where you plan to travel and the time of year in which you plan to travel will play an important role in what you should pack. Remember that some areas of Europe can be quite cold in the winter, although they can be warm in the summer; so be sure to take this into consideration. Regardless of where your travel plans take you in Europe , it’s always a good idea to bring along a good pair of walking shoes and a rain coat.
When it comes to money, it’s a good idea to take along plenty of traveler’s checks as well as your credit card or bank debit card. You may also wish to take along some Euros for the countries that accept them. While it may be a temptation to exchange your currency before you leave for your trip, doing so is really a hassle and it’s best to wait until you arrive in your destination.
Finally, before you leave don’t forget to make extra copies of all your travel documents and make arrangements to carry your documents and money securely. The best way to make sure you do not become a victim of pick pockets or thieves while you travel Europe is to keep your items secure in a money pouch inside your clothing; never outside.
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