Destination Facts
Capital: Harare
President: Robert Gabriel Mugabe
Government: parliamentary democracy
Time zone: GMT +2
Area: 390580
Population: 13000000
Languages: English is the official language of Zimbabwe, but it is a first language for only about 2% of the population.This is spoken by 76% of the population.
Syncretic (50%), Christian (25%), indigenous beliefs (24%), Muslim and other (1%)
Currency: Zimbabwe Dollar (Z$)
Country Dialing Code: 263

As most of Zimbabwe sits on highveld (high grassland) and middleveld (lower altitude grassland) plateaus, the tropical conditions normally associated with this region of Africa are tempered - except in the lowland regions. It's never particularly hot, most of the time climbing from cool nights to around 25 ° C (77 ° F) during the day.
Temperatures are higher from November to April during summer and lower from May to October in winter. The mid-year dry season peaks around August with a very pleasant balance of sunshine, heat and humidity.

Interesting Places
With more than a passing resemblance to a National Geographic best-of issue, Zimbabwe is a beautiful country to visit. It boasts the majestic Victoria Falls, magnificent wildlife preserves and the medieval ruins of Great Zimbabwe, as well as the bustling city of Harare.

Health and Safety
Car jacking and 'smash and grabs' are the current main dangers and annoyances. Although the number of incidents and degree of violence are a far cry from Johannesburg and other notorious areas, it is a reality. There have been recent reports of smartly dressed young men asking drivers to wind down their windows to answer a query, whereupon the perpetrator sprays mace or something similar into the driver's eyes.
Drivers must avoid stopping at traffic lights at night, should drive with all doors locked, ensure handbags and valuables are locked in the car boot (trunk), and windows should be wound up completely.