Funny truths about life in Singapore
1. At night – Most people sleep with cooling air-conditioner while putting on thick blankets; At daytime – Most people will bathe with heater on
2. Day – Cannot Wake up; Nite – Cannot Sleep (Insomnia Lovers)
3. Translation is needed between Singaporean Chinese and Mainland Chinese
4. Smell Of rubbish besides letterboxes; Letters inside Rubbish bin
5. Singapore Chinese use different languages other than Chinese to communicate.
6. Singaporeans never like to vote, but like to complain
7. There are quite a number of rich/poor in singapore – They have Car, Credit Card, CPF(self-funded retirement savings) but no Cash and is liable to lots of loans
9. There are quite a few high-tech barbaric singaporeans -they know how to use state-of-the art equipment, latest web widgets, 3g mobile phone and powerful computers but they dunno how to use a simple dustbin or a toilet
10. Half Singaporeans rushed to buy Hello kitty, but the other half are busy killing stray cats
11. Chewing Gum – You can chew, but not allowed to buy (Restricted to buying)
12. Cigarettes – Convenient to buy; not convenient to smoke
13. Private Cars – Getting cheaper to buy one, but getting harder and more expensive to maintain
14. Public Bus – Half the Crowd squeeze in front section of the Bus, Second section is for Carrying Ghost
15. Education – Teachers teaching Less but expects students to learn More