List of public holidays in Vietnam for Calendar year 2013
Below is the list of 2013 Vietnamese public holidays. Please note that this calendar is based on estimates. We do not and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information available.
Tet Duong Lich International
New Year’s Day Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Tet Nguyen Dan
Vietnamese New Year – Tet Nguyen Dan 2013
It is the most important and most celebrated holidays in Vietnam. Tet Nguyen Dan marks the first day of the first month according to Vietnamese lunar calendar. The name Tet Nguyen Dan can be translated as Feast of the First Morning. The date of Tet Nguyen Dan falls in coincidence with Chinese New Year since their observance is based on lunar calendar. Usually, the celebration of Tet Nguyen Dan takes about 3 until 6 days. During these holidays, public services, shops, and restaurants are usually closed, and consumer prices tend to increase significantly.
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Sunday, 10 February 2013 (Tet Nguyen Dan)
Monday, 11 February 2013
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Gio to Hung Vuong Day
Traditional holiday commemorating the Mythical Hung Kings – The first king of Van Lang or Lac Viet. The government started adopting the holiday on 28 March 2007. Friday, 19 April 2013
Ngày thong nhat
Vietnam Victory Day / Reunification Day / Liberation Day Celebrates the fall of Saigon and the reunification of Vietnam in the year of 1975. Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Ngày Quoc te Lao dong
International Worker’s Day Celebrates the workers’ achievement in terms of economic and social. Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Quoc khánh
Independence Day Celebrates the declaration of Vietnamese Independence. Monday, 2 September 2013 Happy Vietnam Holidays 2013!